
Andrea Shaw, The In-Between

Saturday 29 January
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Exhibition Dates
27 January - 20 February

"These works aim to capture some of what I perceive to exist within the landscape beyond my senses. The spaces between the physical forms we can see and feel, be it energy or a matter humans are yet to trace.


I wanted to show the link between my more representational landscape works and the move to abstraction in the one body of work. How one work informs the next, focusing on those spaces between the recognisable aspects to begin the process.

This led me to paint and cut raw linen for a number of the works in this show. I wanted to create the surface to paint on using the initial landscape works as inspiration whilst letting the central theme of ‘what exists between?’ guide me."


Andrea Shaw is a paint and textile artist living and working in Torquay, on Victoria’s Surf Coast.

Drawing from her studies in Landscape Architecture and Textile Design, strong relationships between colour, pattern, space and landscape inform her works.

Andrea’s works are dynamic, abstracted snapshots responding to the ever-changing colours and forms within the landscape.

Andrea has had five successful solo shows in Melbourne and Geelong and has been curated into multiple group shows around Australia. She has also created window installations and wall murals for retail venues and galleries whilst working collaboratively on surface design projects.


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