Anita Beaney, Carte Postale
“This series of photographs are observations of light occurring in the natural landscape.
These works on paper contemplate the restorative power of nature; they are documents observing water, sky, colour and light. ‘Postcards’ from nature, but also mementoes of an inner life.
My practice is grounded in traditional analogue processes. In my images of sea and sky I aim to capture the serenity of the location, while inviting audiences to also look inward for a similar feeling of stillness. I am looking to find peace and inspiration by being in the natural environment and hope to convey the calm I feel though the subject matter in my images.
I return to the same place many times to record the light, colours and conditions that I find. I am inspired by the work of artists such as Mark Rothko, Eugene Von Guerard and James Turrell.
As Kosuth observed “In employing a signature structure, Rothko found infinite variation… reality was not so much depicted from without as illuminated from within.”
James Turrell said “everyone has a light in them and we come together to find that light in us again and again… we usually use light to illuminate the things around us. But I am interested in the very personal, inner light.”
I use a Mamiya twin lens c330 with medium format roll film and employ ambient light. I scan medium format negatives and print onto 300 gsm archival cotton rag for a painterly effect. The ink sits on the surface of the paper - I like the physical effect and feel. Analogue photographic techniques are employed to obtain detail and quality and then realised in a painterly manner though the size of the print and the quality of the paper."