Christopher Jewitt, What We Miss
Christopher Jewitt’s work has an unwavering and captivating aesthetic. Yet these works are more than just a celebration of colour and pattern: they’re a celebration of life itself, in all its confusion. In this most recent body of work Jewitt encourages us to re-learn the act of seeing and to view paintings in a way that delves beneath the canvas, into the worlds of introspection and interpretation.
Helped by expressive mark making and voltaic saturations of colour, these paintings are both cultivated and voluptuous. While Jewitt's work is peppered with visual narratives of tragedy or celebration, he acknowledges the aesthetic charm of his work. With zigzags layered upon swirls and lines overlapping dots, this new body of work for What We Miss creates both a sense of stability and of uncertainty: the moment we find ourselves, we are instantly lost again.