
Ileigh Hellier, 'Home, Where The Hearth Is'

Saturday 08 February
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Exhibition Dates
30 January - 20 February

"Home, Where The Hearth Is explores themes of home, family, renting and living on an island off another island. As luck would have it, I grew up in a loving family on Australia’s east coast. Now my siblings and I are scattered around the place while Mum and Dad hold down the fort in the family home.

The home and the hearth live inside of me. A dwelling in a body and a body in a dwelling. A feeling that lives inside like memories of places and people that I gently stoke to keep alive. A feeling that I take wherever I go.

The hearth represents warmth and takes a central position in the home, like the heart in the body. The hearth represents an altar too. An overlap of spiritual and domestic realms. Houses turn to homes and back as I move again and again. Packing away my books, collected shells, photographs, artworks, things that I have made and things that have made me."