
Jasmine Mansbridge, 'Portals, A Pegasus, Angels And Alchemy'

Saturday 05 October
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Exhibition Dates
26 September - 19 October

Jasmine Mansbridge returns to Boom for her third solo exhibition, this time a collection of small paintings on linen. Her work has a unique and recognisable style, bold colours, geometric shapes, recurrent themes of portals and other worldly ideas. These works reflect the artist - they are joyful and optimistic.  



"This body of smaller work feels something like a visual diary, a kind of short hand representation of my travels and explorations of late. I have spent time this year in both Hong Kong and France. I feel like Hong Kong gifted me colour and vibrant form and France refinement and subtle observation. This juxtaposition is something I feel has come through in the aesthetics of the work, it is a by product of my deep dive into all things history, philosophy, religion, anthropology, ancient architecture. 


Underpinned as always, is my seeking to understand more deeply what it means to be human and to share what resonates via my practice.


My dreams are also an increasingly important part of my creative process. They are a way for me to distill the information from all I consume and to feed it back to me via vivid imagery and lucid experiences. This series is based on visuals from such dreams.


My recent dreams have frequently featured horses, taking on various representational roles and serving as metaphors. So, I have let them come on through into the world via the painting process, extending myself stylistically to do so. The pegasus flying dream has been profound and the resulting painting my effort to capture and immortalise it’s otherworldly feeling of transportation and awareness beyond human limitations.


In this way these paintings are also dreamscapes. Bringing the subconscious into the conscious. I want to encourage the audience to consider more their own dreams and their relationship to this often underestimated and under utilised aspect of our day to day lives.


Carl Jung believed that we are all connected to the same dream worlds. So if the work resonants and feels familiar perhaps it is the one your dreams take you too as well? Food for thought.. as I hope my art always is..


It is a pleasure deep diving and creating and I am very much looking forward to sharing this little body of work with you all.."



Jasmine is a self taught artist based in regional Victoria. She spent most of her formative years moving about, before settling with her family in the Northern Territory, a remote part of the country. Here she lived until she was twenty six.


For Jasmine the process, ritual and labour of painting itself are of integral importance to the finished piece, as are the intentions and musings that are imbued in every brushstroke. Her subject matter combines architectural forms and geometric imaginings which are used as metaphors to tell stories around our shared human experience. The drawing in, meditative and contemplative value of the paintings are meant to be an antidote to our busy, technological and image rich daily lives.


Over the last six years Jasmine has extended her studio practice to include both large scale paintings and installation pieces which further examine the themes present in her painted works.


In addition to nine solo shows - including an exhibition in New York, and numerous group exhibitions, Jasmine has also completed commissioned artworks in Melbourne, Sydney, Hong Kong and Beijing and in September 2019 she exhibited a large scale interactive installation at the Affordable Art Fair in Melbourne. Jasmine has also been the recipient of various residencies and grants, most recently a Professional Development Grant to visit London and an upcoming residency at the Red Gate Gallery in Beijing in 2020.


A keen collaborator, Jasmine’s geometric inspired artworks have most recently been seen at the National Gallery of Victoria, in the form of an installation in May 2019. Her artwork enhanced with augmented reality technology can also be found on ‘Royal Stacks’ food trucks. In addition she has painted large scale wall drawings and paintings in Hong Kong, Beijing and London, along with installation and creative community projects closer to home.


Jasmine’s work has been featured in numerous print and online publications including Art Collector, Grand Design Magazine, The Design Files, Frankie Magazine, Mama Disrupt, Art Edit Magazine, House & Garden, Real Living Magazine, Belle Magazine and The Interiors Addict.


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