1) My mum and dad are both post World War II migrants – dad from Italy and mum from Holland ….they fell hugely in love in Australia. 2) I was some of the end result of that love and grew up feeling not quite Italian, not quite Dutch and mostly, sort of Aussie. 3) I’m an ideas man with most not getting much traction …… I’m so relieved that some like forming Boom took off. 4) I’m terrible in a traffic jam …. im sure it’s always a grand plot to stuff up my day. I whine and complain which usually results in a reprimand from my wife. 5) I don’t work really well in isolation and always like good people around me. 6) At uni I actually majored in ceramic sculpture but haven’t really touched clay in an art sense since. 7) In my late teens and very early twenties I was a keen surfer but now would be lucky to make the paddle out. 8) I love FIATs …. especially the small ones from the 60’s and 70’s. I have an 850 Coupe and a 600D both needing some work …. Probably not the best choice of car for a big guy but it’s a really strong passion for me. 9) If you want to get my attention or distract me just start talking cars. 10) Every day I feel like an absolute winner because I have the best five friends at home, my wife and four kids. 11) I’ve built and renovated a few family homes and the constant theme is that they are never completed unless I’m getting them ready for sale …. I definitely need deadlines. 12) I have maintained a very sporadic art practice during my adult life and am always wondering what I might be capable of if I really committed myself to it. 13) My high school years were spent at St Joseph’s College, Newtown and these were legendary years for me. I love catching up with my old classmates and sharing slightly exaggerated stories. Class of 1986 …. we have got to catch up. 14) I grew up going to the Italian Club (Club Italia) every Sunday …. such good times! I realised then that Italian parents don’t keep a close eye on their kids …. boy did we get up to some shenanigans. 15) A few years ago we converted an old shearing shed on our property into a house for my mum …. she’s Dutch but it’s a totally Italian thing to do!