1. I lived with my mum and sister in an inner-city commune when I was young. It was a wild and fun way to grow up. 2. I don’t drive, but spend a lot of time on my bicycle. 3. My studio is in a warehouse in Brunswick, which I share with my husband Raph’s business, so it is also home to four food trucks (Beatbox Kitchen x 2 and Taco Truck x 2) and a donut shop (All Day Donuts). Sounds dangerous, but luckily I don’t really like donuts (tacos however…). 4. I would never consider myself an ‘artist’, more a designer who occasionally makes work for exhibitions. 5. I talk about the weather a lot. People think I’m making polite conversation, but I’m actually obsessed with weather and seasons. Bureau of Meteorology is always my most visited site / app. Themes of play in the mind and through the body are explored in Beci Orpin and Carla McRae’s most recent exhibition Out of Bounds. Out of Bounds is on view 14 June – 15 July. To see a full exhibition listing click here.