1. Both my Mum and Dad are/were collectors. Mum collects in the name of ‘art’ and Dad collected in the name of ‘we might need that some day’ – it was inevitable that I would seek beauty in the discarded. 2. I grew up in Western Australia, spending many of my formative years in the magically warm Indian Ocean…Ten years on I still really miss those waters in autumn, winter, spring and most summers. Wetsuits can be so annoying. 3. Upon me asking my Dad why false eyelashes existed he managed to convince me that I was really lucky to have eyelashes as many people were born without them. I refuse to admit how old I was. 4. I began making jewellery the summer I finished high school. At the time I was obsessed with shells, especially ones that had a hole in them. I then went on to study teaching, until I remembered I had hated school. Thankfully I somehow found my way back to jewellery and we have been somewhat inseparable ever since. 5. My third date with my husband involved a jet-ski and dolphins, it was much like a 90’s rom com! Note: I still have my husband but managed to convince him to let go of the jet-ski and a few other loose ends. Regina’s solo exhibition Tidal Detritus is now showing. Pop in to have a look or see a full listing here.