The Search Mixed media on canvas 2012 by Glen Smith. The artwork created for the exhibition ‘Only dead fish goes with the flow’ is a body of work exploring various social and political issues that are impacting on the world today. These issues vary from the interpersonal to matters of society as a whole. The work aesthetically is influence by urban culture, attempting to capture a street level feel while being inspired by the grungy nature of city lane ways with strong references to the street art that is often found gracing them. Combined with this influences of a broader pop culture, advertising and the sensory overload of the techno world we are moving towards can also be seen. My aim for the works is to take a snapshot of the world around us now, as well as direct the audience to assess or reassess their own worlds. Messages political in nature can be seen at times to guide the viewer, where at other times the work opts for a more poetic nature with somewhat subtle dialogues. However, these snapshots and messages do not suggest merely a negative view of the world, but rather a holistic observation with an appreciation of both the beauty and ugliness of human nature…a reflection of the dichotomy of modern life.