Painting A Perfect World “As the title suggests this body of work is an optimistic one. Instead of what is wrong with the world, I wanted to focus on what an ideal world would look like. I wanted to touch on various subjects and quietly pose a question about them, leaving room for contemplation and reflection. I wanted to paint pieces that were hopeful, poignant and warm. Life is full of highs, lows, challenges and joys, all in equal measure. I wanted to paint paintings for this exhibition that were transportive and dreamy. Paintings that bring joy to their surroundings and the promise of better days ahead. To capture all that is good and beautiful. I have alternated between scale with these works, using both a micro and macro focus, zooming out on the details in some of the paintings and coming in close for others. For example I have taken a bird’s eye view in the piece Painting a Perfect World. This is a utopian, surrealist painting filled with the symbolism I love to tell stories with. It features a Thought Catcher and Three Point Portals and also a new one for me, the circles or Air Balls , these being symbolic of change and the need for acceptance of uncertainty. In contrast to the above mentioned work I have gone in close on paintings such as Everything Falls into Place and Connect the Dots. These paintings being an abstract way for me to deal with the more complex, open ended subject matter, the harder to quantity aspects of the human experience. The paintings also vary in size, from over two metre works on linen down to pieces on A3 arches paper. This is a further way for me to be able to present a broad narrative. In addition to the paintings the exhibition will also feature several installations and a digital artwork. In this way the show feels will feel like an immersive experience, and one that will bring you into the perfect world of the work while you are in it.” Jasmine is a professional practicing artist whose work is best described as the meeting of exploration and refinement. Jasmine has taken her art to a number of mediums – sculpture, large-scale public works and intimate paintings for private collection. She is not afraid to venture outside an established comfort zone. Whatever her choice of art form, Mansbridge brings a refined and meticulous hand to the work; her deliberation and contemplation are evident at all times. The work provokes thought and wonder and gives the viewer the chance to apply their personal storytelling, as they unpack the geometry and portals of Mansbridge’s imagined world. Painting A Perfect World runs until May 16. To see a full listing, click here. Install images by Carli Wilson Photography.