Liam Snootle is a self-taught visual artist from Melbourne with a background in Mathematics and graffiti. Predominantly working with painting and urban installation pieces, Snootle’s work can be categorised as a visual response to sound or in contrast an attempt at creating an aural experience via visual stimulus. Influenced heavily by East Coast American alternative music of the 80’s and 90’s, Snootle is interested in the combination of colour and shape and how these are able to trigger an emotional response in the viewer. Often painting representations of his interpretation of punk songs. Using a language of shapes as his alphabet he encourages the viewer to allow the work to recall a memory, a sound, an idea or a thought previously experienced and provide time to contemplate and celebrate that moment. For his first solo exhibition at Boom, Liam has created a new body of painted and neon works in response to a musical influence that has been pivotal in his life, understanding of the world and artistic pursuits. “The songs from the Sonic Youth 1988 album, ‘Daydream Nation’, celebrate a period in contemporary history where a new found optimism would lead to a better future for a generation of disengaged youth, hardened by Reagan’s America. The music, both volatile and exciting heralded a call to arms for many and kick-started a brand new genre of music. The message in the music is as relevant today as it was then, as we now face an uncertain political future we should turn to these songs and reconnect with the spirit of optimism and belief that Rock and Roll can change the world. The paintings in this exhibition are a visual response to that sound. Each song is represented here, each capturing the essence of a generation that fights to be heard and challenges the listener or viewer to create that noise.” On the Riot Trail / 8 Sept – 8 Oct