rhdr Artists Lucy Roleff and Seth Searle consider notions of time and narrative in their joint exhibition, It Will Always Be Like This. An abundance of mussels on a table, ripe peaches in a glass dish, everyday domestic arrangements, a hand mid reach – such depictions of the ordinary and the opulent are regarded in equal measure. Through still life, interior scenes and portraiture, these paintings explore the passing of time and the desire, or compulsion, to hold tightly to it. Lucy Roleff is a painter living and working in Melbourne. Lucy’s paintings explore notions of beauty and purpose, depicting everyday items and elements of the natural world, whilst gently questioning our desire to claim and revere such objects. Through the traditional medium of oil paint, her pieces reference still life compositions of bygone eras, with touches of the contemporary. They invite conversation around the hierarchy of inanimate objects, as well as reflection upon domestic quietude, solitude and use of space. To see the full listing click here. It Will Always Be Like This runs until July 14.