For Fabric of the Domestic Mark Cuthbertson has created a series of artworks that encompass sculpture, painting, prints and assemblage. Mark’s art making process is about deconstructing an idea to its essence, in order to rebuild it into something that challenges our preconceptions of ideas and product. Using simplistic and common aspects of the everyday – such as concrete, Mark manipulates these into work that is unexpected, evocative and surprising. He creates works that challenge his limits, exploring new mediums and ways of working to strengthen and push the boundaries of his artistic practice. The exhibition is a playful commentary on society, turning the fabric of the day-to-day monotony into something far more engaging, challenging and inspiring. Mark’s artwork explores concepts of colonisation & domestication within a broad national context. The works are playful & whimsical in nature, yet confront some underlying social question we are yet to come to terms with. Fabric of the Domestic / 16 April – 09 May