This Vanessa Oter, we are delighted to be exhibiting her work as part of our Summer Projects Exhibition Here’s 5 things you probably on’t know about Vanessa 1. I love to walk. I bought a house in the country thinking I could walk everywhere but nope.. I drive more than I’d like which drives me nuts pardon the pun.. I’d easily walk across Australia when the opportunity presents itself! 2. I collect rugs. Afghan carpets! I love their stories and the beautiful patterns .. They never date and always look good! 3. Breakfast is a meal I wish I could stomach.. I find I’m lighter and more focused on a coffee until noon.. Very bad but it works for me! 4. Painting obviously is something I’d love to spend my entire life doing.. I work on them daily.. I have lots on the go because they aren’t something I can rush! 5. I’m a mum to Luka.. Now 8.. We live in Thorpdale with our two dogs, Sandy and Gizmo!