After a successful solo exhibition in 2013, Meredith Earls returns to Boom with her whimsical collaged landscapes. A Graphic Designer by trade, Meredith’s artwork allows for a more personal artistic exploration, her works on paper are dreamy and beautiful. “My recent work explores imagined landscapes. I use collage to create dreamscapes that burst with colour and strange plant life. They are calm, utopian places that possess an odd perfection, sometimes giving them a sinister undertone. I like to think of these landscapes as a magic eye view to places that exist but cannot be seen. The places in-between moments. The views we might encounter if we knew where to look. I scour op-shops and second hand stores to source my materials. I love the qualities of old print processes, with their over saturated inks, thick paper and grainy printed images. I also love the discovery that this process creates- as though the landscapes come together serendipitously.” Exhibition continues until June 6