“For this latest series of works, I have returned again to the ocean. The calming waters, the stretch of the horizon, the great expanse of sky. The works speak more of yearning than a pictorial representation of a specific place. Still Point… a moment, a sense of being present with the great beyond.” “The horizon is a recurring theme that I have explored in my recent painting. The uninterrupted horizon, particularly when viewed across a body of water can be rich with symbolic meaning. It can be the mystical place where the ‘eternal meets the temporal’, where physical space meets the intangible, unreachable space. It is in these moments when the atmosphere and climatic elements reveal or blur what is beyond us as our gaze is drawn off into the distance.” As a practicing local artist Steve Singline works in the mediums of sculpture and painting. Steve facilitates stone carving and painting workshops for people of all ages and abilities. In addition to his studio practice, he is employed by the City of Greater Geelong as the Senior Public Art Officer. To see a full listing of Steve’s latest work click here. Steve will be doing an artist talk on Sunday March 8 from 2pm. All welcome. Still Point runs until March 15th.