1. What’s your favourite thing to do on a sunny summer day? Sitting under a big shady oak tree with a book or knitting or a picnic with the family. Or swimming at the local lake. 2. Does your art practice/routine vary over this time of year? Definitely it does. My work gets brighter over summer and maybe even a little looser because paint is drying faster! 3. Who or what is your current inspiration for you? I am always inspired by Pierre Bonnard but particularly with this body of work. You can see hints of the publication about Bonnard’s work “Painting Arcadia” in my work. 4. Anything exciting on the horizon for 2019? I have two solo shows this year, one in Melbourne and one in Sydney later in the year, but closer to home my big kid is starting school so that is a pretty big step for our family! 5. What’s your favourite refreshing treat on a hot summers day? Ice tea or kombucha! We asked Elizabeth Barnett for a recent Summer snap: This is my favourite photo from summer. Family time at the beach!