DRAWING: HAIR STUDIES With Chelsea Gustafsson With no experience necessary, this 5 hour workshop introduces students to the process required to create detailed studies of hair, looking at form, contrast and texture. Students will choose on the day to work with pencil, conté or charcoal, bringing to life delicate drawings of braids, up-do’s and stylish locks. All materials will be provided so just bring yourself, warm up your hands and sharpen your eyes for a day of hairy fun! Saturday May 21 – 10am-3pm. For more info and to book click here. BEGINNERS WEAVING We are excited to have the amazing Rachel from Wunder Weave coming down from Melbourne for this great workshop. Hooray! We’re packing up and heading to Geelong! In this three hour workshop you’ll learn everything from setting up a loom, to various weaving techniques and knot styles to get you ready for your weaving journey. It’s rare to finish an entire piece in this three hour class, so the cost covers your take-home loom and enough yarn to complete your first woven wall hanging when you return home. No experience necessary, all materials are provided, all you need to do is bring yourself. Saturday May 28 10am-1pm. For more info and to book click here. SCREEN PRINTING Home-Work is coming to Geelong, we cant wait! In this 2 hour workshop you will learn how to screen print with us! We will cover all the basics to get you printing original Home-Work designs onto tea towels. You will have a chance to learn about layering patterns and selecting colours to create your own unique look! Saturday 4th June 2016 – 2.30pm–4.30pm. For more info and to book click here. FLORISTRY WORKSHOP: WINTER WHITES We are very excited to have Yvette Timmins (Bloom College) and Alice Shepherd (She’s a Wildflower) coming to Boom to teach us about seasonal florals. Enjoy the best of what the season brings. Have fun whilst learning about locally sourced blooms and the art of flower arranging. Create your very own beautiful winter flower display, with the help of your Floristry teacher, to take home and admire. All flowers and materials are supplied including a delicious morning tea. Friday June 10 – 10-12:30pm. For more info and to book click here. BASKET WEAVING With Ro Yule. In the first basket weaving workshop, coloured wool was the main decorative feature and the supportive cord was largely concealed. In this next workshop we’ll expand this concept. The decorative cord itself as well as the binding stitches are featured. The various materials in your packs can be used as the “cord” and the strings, braids, strips and threads will be used to bind them together. As with the wool baskets, it will be very difficult for you to fail. You know how to begin the basket, how to shape it and how to finish. I can’t wait to see your uniquely individual creations which may be quite functional or perhaps absolutely exquisitely useless. All materials needed for this next workshop will be provided but if you have some favourite fabric, string or threads do bring them! Beginners are also very welcome for this class. Saturday July 23. For more info and to book click here. Here’s some cute pictures from Saturday’s Constructed Collage workshop with Andrea Shaw!