
  • Landscape 5 - Boom Gallery
  • Landscape 5 - Boom Gallery
  • Landscape 5 - Boom Gallery

Landscape 5

By Robert Croft

ArtGusto is a supported art studio full of energy, vibrancy and original ideas. It is a studio for Artists self -motivated to create. At ArtGusto, artists can access support from qualified practicing artists, working with them in a professional studio to assist their artistic practice.

Robert works at the ArtGusto Studio 2 days a week. This is a safe and supported environment where Robert is given the opportunity to independently go about his day working on his art at his own pace - which by the way is furious! He makes his own artistic decisions, which is very much about the process - we are just here to facilitate. Robert is totally focused on his work from the moment he begins till it’s time to pack up for the day.

Robert is non- verbal and vision impaired but through his art and acting has found a way to communicate and be a valuable, contributing member of the community.

Robert’s application of any medium he uses gives a tactile quality to his work. He delights in the colour, texture and the rhythm of the application, pushing as far as the materials will allow. The layers of colour and texture Robert achieves through his processes demonstrate the instinctual nature of this Artist. An industrious worker, Robert enjoys working across a range of mediums and can draw reference from still life and the printed image; but mainly and most effectively his inspiration comes from the pure joy of creating.


wax crayon on paper
56x73.5cm framed