
  • Red River Gum
  • Red River Gum
  • Red River Gum
  • Red River Gum
  • Red River Gum

Red River Gum

By Ellie Malin

or $105 per month with Art Money

"End of Summer 2020, the exigent stench of bushfires filled the air. A few short weeks later, we were confining warily inside our homes. Our environment contracted to a limited 5km radius and ‘walks to nowhere’ around the neighbourhood became an everyday outing. Inspiration of my Australian landscape became singularly focused and centred on time spent outdoors and gazing out windows towards the horizon. Old terraces lined up as if to hold each other up, along densely populated streets, front yard foliage, a curious gum tree, scattering pink sunsets, it was these elements and moments from life that connected me with the landscape. For this work I swapped the etching press for a paintbrush to achieve more immediate results, laying out colours and shapes purposely revealing and concealing information beneath the surface."


acrylic on board
71x56cm framed